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Here I Am But Am I Here – Solo Exhibition Jeanette Verster

14th March – 22nd April 2024

Jeanette Verster always pushes the boundaries in her exploration of materials and messages. Exploring physical travel as well as the sense of belonging and a place in time, Jeanette manipulates paper, cloth and thread as surfaces for colour washes and textural facets. Rhythms and repetition are manipulated and enriched to lead the viewer on many possible pathways.

I have to admit, I’m an Autumn kind of a being. I love the clear days, the maturing of the gardens and the slightly lower temperatures – my time of the year. So how exciting it is that this Autumn from out of the blue studio gallery will be graced by Jeanette Verster’s solo exhibition – Here I am But Am I Here. A double treat! It is always an exciting surprise to see where the creative imagination has led Jeanette in her making which is so diverse but always richly rewarding.

Jeanette describes some of the thoughts that are informing this particular body of work.

At surface level the phrase “Here I am but am I here?” acknowledges one’s physical location, almost like a reply to another very familiar question, “Are we there yet?”. However, the ambiguity of the second part of the first phrase challenges the notion that mere physical proximity equates to true presence. The juxta position of “here I am” and “but am I here” highlights the interplay between tangible and intangible aspects and complexities of our existence and identity. Similarly, “Are we there yet?” metaphorically permeates various aspect of life. It embodies the human inclination to seek closure but also suggests the transformative power of a journey.

In this body of work there are representations of physical journeys and places as well as abstract works that are merely a part of an ongoing quest in the search for belonging and connection to the present. The use of a multitude of techniques and media embrace uncertainties and recognizes that a true destination is not a point on a map but a culmination of experiences gathered along the way.

Jeanette Verster

January 2023

If you want to see more about Jeanette’s practice and her successes over the past years please visit both her own personal website: and our gallery webpage